Sunday, September 9, 2012

Alien on earth?You got to be kidding me


Thousand years a ago, pyramaaßåid was build by ancient civilization. But how do they manage to build such wonderful sculpture without having technologies as we have today. How can it be possible for men to build a hundred feet building with their only strength. 

Well is it  true that aliens comes to earth and help this early civilized people how to build something? Let took a look at a fact by the movie. An Egyptian found a wooden bird call shikara that looks like a model of plane and have characteristic similar to a plane. How is that possible?. My answer , my little brother can do that. It is a bird.A damn bird. Of course it will look like that. If an alien come to earth and teach us about technologies, why don't teach us about how to build a space craft?
Another facts that contributed to the movie that alien exist is the ancient stone cutting techniques. It was said that even we can accomplished what the ancient egypt has done. Example in puma punku. However, if you look clearly, the stone is actually scattered all around the place and it doesn't look like alien do that. It seem that human also do that, with some bombing or smashing. How can it possibly be alien? Too much watching dvd i think?
So there you have it. Aliens don't exist, if they do so, well be gone from the planet, or we can be more advanced rather than nowadays. But it is up to you, wether to believe it, or not.


  1. that's true! i agree with you. in my opinion, alien do not exist in the world. it is impossible if we as a human believe that alien exist :)

  2. Alien does not exist! but if they exist can they teach me how to make mango cheese cake?

  3. Humans are better than any other creatures as stated in hadith then believing that aliens helped our ancestors during ancient time is ridiculous.

  4. alien never exist in this world. maybe imagination others religion because they cannot think correctly.

  5. in my opinion, aliens are not exist. there is no concrete evidence that can prove the existence of alien. the only thing that scientist found is ridiculous evidence which seems to be zero benefit .
