Saturday, September 8, 2012

Super Size Me!!!!

 Are you convinced that fast food is the main cause of obesity in United States and around the world?

    Well, after watching this documentary movie directed and starring by Morgan Spurlock , i found that that the movie is trying to condemned the fast food restaurant by giving fact and example that fast food company is the one responsible for the cause of obesity in America. Fast food is NOT the cause in obesity in America. It is actually the individual who does not live a healthy life the reason for obesity. As you can see in the film,  Spurlock repeatedly stuffed hi,self with super sized  Mcdonald food but does not make out physical activities. No wonder he can gain weight in a matter of days.
     This movie also doesn't offer solution to obesity. It just a movie that created to show how to gain weight easily by eating fast food. Even though you eat regular food, but is massive amount , without regular exercise, you too will become obese. People can't blame solely on fast food as the main cause of obesity.
    Dr. Ruth Kava, Director of Nutrition at the American Council on Science and Health (ASCH) says:
"As a professional nutritionist, I think this movie does a disservice to the American people. Obesity is a serious issue in this country and the movie is not a serious attempt to answer it. It misleads people into thinking that eating a particular type of food or at a particular restaurant is the cause for a weight problem. That certainly is not the case." Source :


  1. Acap, I agree with you that this kind of video is just to prove to us on how to gain weight and being ill just because of eating too much. It supposed showed to us how to be normal from obesity, right?

  2. yup..try and eat only nasi 5 times a day, for 30 days, and don't exercise, you will definitely gain weight.

    1. yeah i agree. eating habit disorder is one of the factor to someone become obese.

  3. fast food not cause of obesity, it just cause bad healthy to us. when we eat fast food everyday, our body will became weak not obese.

  4. Agree, besides, the main cause for obesity is genetic
